Kent & Sussex 2024 Folio Competition, Judge’s Report

As reported yesterday, Cheryl Moskowitz announced the prize winning poems in our 2024 members’ poetry competition on Tuesday. We will post the first, second and third prize winning poems here over the coming days, but for now, here is her overall judge’s report.

Kent & Sussex 2024 Folio Competition Judge’s Report

It was my absolute honour to judge the Kent & Sussex Poetry Society Member’s Folio Competition this year. I received a total of 87 poems, in all shapes and sizes! Styles varied hugely and the poems covered just about every subject matter imaginable. What became apparent whilst reading through the pile, in no apparent order, was how distinct the ‘personality’ of each poem was, which is, presumably a reflection on the Society Members themselves. Such assured and passionate voices, such assuredness in the writing.

It was a pleasure from beginning to end, and I read all 87 of them several times. Of course, as any judge will tell you – and indeed anyone who writes poetry knows only too well – the hardest part is choosing what to keep and what to let go. Finally, according to the stipulations of the competition, I made my selection.

Three overall winners, a first, second and third prize, 7 highly commended and 14 more selected to be included in the final portfolio. And I must say I am beaming with pride over all my choices, as if each one of these poems is now leaving the nest in some way and going out there into the world, to affect others as they have affected me. I will be waving from the shore as all these wonderful poems sail away to new horizons. Good luck, and Bon Voyage!