Isobel Dixon

Isobel Dixon was born in Mthatha, South Africa. She studied English at Stellenbosch University, before pursuing postgraduate study at Edinburgh University. She now lives in Cambridge and works as a literary agent in London, returning frequently to Cape Town and her family home in the Karoo. She has been published in The Paris Review, The Manhattan Review, The Guardian, The Dark Horse and Prairie Schooner, among other publications. Her work is included in several recent anthologies: Birdbook I, Coin Opera II and Psycho Poetica (all published by Sidekick Books), Penguin’s Poems for Love, The Forward Book of Poetry, and The Best of British Poetry 2011. She is the author of three full collections of poetry, Weather Eye (Carapace, 2001), A Fold in the Map (UK: Salt, 2007; SA: Jacana 2007) and The Tempest Prognosticator (UK: Salt, 2011; SA: Random Umuzi, 2011), which J.M. Coetzee described as ‘a virtuoso collection’. In 2016 Mariscat published a pamphlet, The Leonids, and Nine Arches a new collection, Bearings. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the South African SANLAM Award for Poetry, the Olive Schreiner Prize and the Oxfam Poets for a Better Future Prize. Her work has been translated into German, Dutch, Spanish, French and Turkish.

Isobel’s poetry combines biographical material with more abstract argument, in a range of tone and styles.

Come along to the Camden Centre at 8.00 pm on June 20th. 2017 for another feast of contemporary poetry.

This will be our last meeting in the Camden Centre, as we are moving to a new venue, starting in September – the Vittle and Swig, at 28 Camden Road, so not so far away!  The room upstairs has a bar, so you can arrive at 7.30 to chat with friends and fellow members, and get in your drinks, or you can turn up for the 8 o’clock start of the poetry session.